Space Clearance
I recently finished my elemental space clearance course with Denise Linn.I have to say it has been one of the most beautiful journeys in my life. I have been connected with nature in a level I have never been before. I have been honouring my ancestors and their wisdom and now I am ready for a bigger step of transformation in my life.
One of the things that touched my soul in a very deep way was to remember how my adorable nan Dominga use to do space clearance in our house quiet often. She used to burn the blessing palms from Palm Sunday, eucalyptus leaves, incense, cedar and pine and walk around the house filling every corner with the blessing smoke. Sometimes she allowed me to hold the pot and she was walking by my side.
I never knew the profound meaning of that ceremony, only noticed how happy we were feeling after that and how the house was smelling lovely and feeling refreshed and clean. That was my first experience as a space cleaner in this world this time around. Now I have been trained by one of the most remarkable people in this area, I am honoured to have been her pupil. Now I know in Space clearence the most important thing is the intention and the love our heart offers.
You can clear your space easily:
De clutter: Anything that you do not love or have no used for more than a year let it go with the intention to de clutter your mind.Light a candle: Do it with love and respect, inviting the spirit of fire into your home and heart to cleanse and energize yourself.
Burn some cedar, some eucalyptus and bring the spirit and wisdom of the trees to you Burn essential oils with intention.
Ring a bell with love, removing static energy.
There are multiples ways to clear the space, you have the 4 elements: fire, water, air and earth. Use the love in your heart and always finish with respect and gratitude for the help you got.
Have a go, try it, make space for the marvellous new
Lots of love